God is one (Duet 6:4): omnipotent (possessing all power), omniscient (having all knowledge), and omnipresent (whose presence fills the universe). He is Father in Creation (Gen 1:26), Son in Redemption (Matt 1:21), and Holy Spirit in His comforting, keeping and transforming power (St John 14:26).
Jesus is the Son of God (Matthew 3:13-17). God was in Christ, reconciling the word unto Himself” (II Cor. 5:19).
God created Man in His own image, innocent, pure and holy; his fall and banishment from the Garden of Eden was because of sin. (Genesis 1:27). Because of sin Man was separated from God (Gen 3:23).
The price for mans sin has been paid by God sending Jesus as a sacrifice (John 3:16). If you confess of your faith in the sacrifice of Christ and His resurrection you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
Salvation should produce good works in the believer (James 2:20)
The natural step of a true disciple after believing is baptism (Mark 16:16). Water baptism is the FULL immersion of one’s complete body into water. It symbolizes the death (Rom 6:3-11) burial (Col 2:12) and resurrection (Rom 6:4-5) of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When we are submerged, we are buried with Him (symbolically).
When the Holy Spirit comes into one’s heart, they will exhibit the “…fruit of the Spirit” (Gal 5:22)